Political Correctness and the Death of Education – Requiem for a Dream

Sydney Traditionalist Forum today published Political Correctness and the Death of Education – Requiem for a Dream which argues that we in the West are not supposed to prefer our own culture to other cultures and that the culture of repudiation that rejects our cultural heritage as patriarchal, oppressive, imperialist, etc., makes the notion of aspiring to be well-educated a politically incorrect anachronism.

2 thoughts on “Political Correctness and the Death of Education – Requiem for a Dream

  1. Pingback: Political Correctness and the Death of Education – Requiem for a Dream | Reaction Times

  2. The high-point of Western Civilization was, arguably, the Thirteenth Century. Sure… sure… lots of technical niceties have been added since then, but also since then chivalry has withered, the sense of the divine has withered, and the sense of personal responsibility has withered. Masculinity and femininity have withered. If the toboggan-descent began in 1200, it would be unsurprising that, today, it accelerates in its hunt for the abyss. Acceleration accelerates, as the early rocket-scientists discovered.


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