How to Become Your Enemy’s Ally in the War Against You

Reparations 1

The Republican strategy is to confess to the crime and plea-bargain the time.  They accept the moral categories, frame and narrative of their enemy, and so eagerly join in the defamation of some segment of Republican voters and promise to realize Democrat goals more efficiently than the Democrats themselves.  Some of this is Stockholm Syndrome and some is avaricious treachery.  Whatever the cause, it doesn’t work (except for the avaricious treachery).  When you accept the moral categories, frame and narrative of your enemy, you become your enemy’s ally in the war against you.  And you naturally and deservedly lose.

Reparations 2

Orthodoxy begins with unbending your mind.  Unbending your mind begins with the knowledge that your mind has been corrupted by malware.  This knowledge includes the knowledge that the malware was downloaded by what you thought was your Antivirus app.

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