Question to readers

Books of a certain persuasion are being purged and are getting harder to acquire. I notice, for example, that two books that I own, The Camp of the Saints and The Culture of Critique, are no longer carried by Amazon. Are there any books that you are thinking you’d better buy very soon if you ever hope to read them? Anything you’d recommend I buy a copy of while I still can? For example, when I first noticed this, it seemed likely that pro-confederate books would be disappearing first, so I bought my own copy of the Southern Agrarian manifesto I’ll Take My Stand, which I had read and appreciated many years ago. I don’t particularly feel like re-reading it, but it’s nice to know that now I’ll always be able to.

27 thoughts on “Question to readers

  1. “The Dispossessed Majority” by Wilmot Robertson? Unz might have an electronic copy,I’m not sure I actually found an old copy at a Catholic thriftstore!

  2. I don’t particularly feel like re-reading it, but it’s nice to know that now I’ll always be able to.

    I don’t have a photographic memory unfortunately, so it’s also nice, at least for yours truly, to have them available to quote passages from when the occasion arises. I will probably come up with a few titles to add later, but off the top of my head this very moment,

    Anything ever written by R. L. Dabney, namely:

    Discussions, by R. L. Dabney, in 4 volumes;Defense of Virginia and the South Dabney;The Life and Campaigns of Stonewall Jackson Dabney;

    Other titles sympathetic to the South and the Confederacy:

    The Confederate Cause and Conduct in the War Between the States;Southern Historical Society Papers, all volumes;The Wartime Journal of a Georgia Girl by Eliza Francis Andrews;The Old Capitol Prison and its Inmates by Virginia LomaxThe True Story of Andersonville Prison by James Madison PageThe Works of Thomas Dixon by Thomas DixonOrigins of the Late War by George Lunt

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  4. I highly recommend pretty much anything written by Lev Navrozov, though methinks he’s fallen far enough off the radar he won’t strictly be purged.

  5. The Future of the Intelligence and For A French Awakening by Charles Maurras. Almost a miracle that this ever appeared in English. All of his other work is still untranslated.

  6. As simple as it sounds: dictionaries. We learned this past week that online dictionaries can no longer be authoritative, and will be edited daily to push agendas. I discovered the paucity of internet dictionaries some years back, and restored a good assortment of print dictionaries to my library. I think every household should have a good one, right along side a print copy of the King James Bible.

  7. Solzhenitzyn’s ‘200 Years Together’.
    I think I understand why my elders stashed old copies of National Geographic in neat boxes now.

  8. It took me about 30 seconds to find free digital copies of both of your purged books. Amazon is certainly too powerful for anyone’s good, but it does not yet constitute the sum total of human knowledge.

    It is not surprising that the liberal order would have its own version of the Index Librorum Prohibitorum, but they are not enforcing it very hard.

    • a.morphous makes a very good point which should be part of the conversation. Right now, these books are becoming more difficult to obtain but not impossible. There are two ways this could evolve in the future. Possibly being banned by the biggest retailers will trickle down so that smaller vendors won’t want to risk carrying them either, and they really will become impossible to obtain for reasonable time and cost. On the other hand, maybe just making these books obscure is sufficient for the establishment, and it will never be worth their time to try to make it impossible for the very stubborn to obtain them. The latter used to reflect my working assumption about my political enemies, that they are–if a.morphous will forgive the expression–evil but rational. They won’t track down obscure bloggers like me if I’m sufficiently obscure and not worth the effort. In fact, in most of the cases I know of bloggers being doxxed and suffering the consequences, they were ratted out not by Leftist partisans but by equally obscure rivals on the Right–“Judean People’s Front” vs. “People’s Front of Judea”-type pettiness. However, things are now going farther than, I think, the cooler heads on the Left intended. Social forces have been set in motion that are difficult to control, the journalist class has embraced the role of ideological enforcer with an enthusiasm even their worst enemies wouldn’t have attributed to them, and the younger generation has a degree of fanaticism I’ve never seen before.

      I am what one might call a theoretical supporter of censorship myself. Every society does it, and there is nothing intrinsically illegitimate about it. The questions are what to censor and how to do it so that one maximizes the advantages for social cohesion while minimizing the dangers of epistemic closure. Unfortunately, I disagree with the establishment’s choices on both these counts.

      • The state is not known for efficiency, but does recognizing diminishing marginal rate of return on investment. So it achieves its goal by making books hard to get–perhaps no more hard to get than they were before the internet. But this system makes use of voluntary censors who are zealots, and they might enforce zero tolerance. One possible development would be to sell the books and keep a list of the people who buy them.

      • JMSmith@

        But this system makes use of voluntary censors who are zealots, and they might enforce zero tolerance. One possible development would be to sell the books and keep a list of the people who buy them.

        The *pestiferous gadflies who buzz around these precincts would likely say to that that it makes you sound a bit unhinged. I’m not trying to put words in their mouths, btw, just recalling from memory how they’ve reacted to statements of ours in the not-too-distant past bearing similar characteristics. It might serve them well to reflect that this has been done before on a massive scale right here in the good ol’ “the land of the free, home of the brave.” I’m undecided as to whether J. Edgar Hoover or the fanatical Suffragists of the 1910s deserve the most credit for perfection of the “card index” system so effectively used to blackmail certain persons into seeing things their way, but I lean towards the latter given that their system was pretty well perfected years before Mr. Hoover gained his ascendancy.
        *rare is the opportunity I have had to write the word “pestiferous”; I thought it best not to squander the ‘golden opportunity’ this time.

  9. Eventually books will follow the already in-place 2020 changes in Life, whereby (more or less) everything not compulsory is forbidden.
    But deleting old books is a low priority because they are hardly read, or ignored, or (in the academy) reinterpreted to fit the agenda. (eg. Recent mainstream Tolkien scholarship is all PC compatible, despite the man and his books).
    Online sources are rewritten as necessary on an ongoing basis. For example Kindle books that you supposed you had bought are unilaterally changed without notice or permission.
    But really, all that needs doing is to maintain mass/ social media addiction then control the daily headline stories. That’s all that matters to the mass majority. The past (such as last week) is boring/ insane/ or evil – except when it is the most important thing in the world.

  10. Hagarism: The Making of the Islamic World, by Crone and Cook (Cambridge UP) is “available” but only at high prices. One might consider borrowing a library copy and making a personal photocopy.

  11. Probably anything that mentions forbidden truths about race will be the first to go. I haven’t read it myself, but The Bell Curve comes to mind.

    Perhaps obscure enough to be safe, but William McDougall’s Is America Safe for Democracy? is worth picking up. Though I think you can find it online for free.

    Rudyard Kipling?

    Children’s books like Little Black Sambo and Epaminondas.

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