Robert Sapolsky is Determined to be Wrong

Interviews with Robert Sapolsky after the publication of Determined: A Science of Life Without Free Will reveal that the author of Behave, a book that approaches morality and behavior from a strictly scientific point of view and which is worth reading, reveal that Sapolsky is not wise. No one is more familiar with the contents of Behave than him, yet he has decided that his current life mission is to tell unsuccessful people that they are unlucky. That’s it. Rather than telling them how they might improve their situation, Sapolsky believes in determinism. Biology has determined who will succeed and who will fail, and the failures are supposed to be made to feel so much better about a successful person telling them that they never had a chance in the first place. That sounds like gloating and condescension, as much as anything else.

Science can be of some use in thinking about the human condition, but its point of view excludes too much that is human, let alone the divine, to offer a complete picture. Tarot cards too offer interpretative lenses through which to contemplate one’s life, and scientific research can sometimes offer vantage points to do the same. The scientific stance, however, is not sufficient and Sapolsky’s strange lack of wisdom provides evidence of this.

Here is the link to Robert Sapolsky is Determined to be Wrong. Please leave comments at the Orthosphere, since Voegelinview does not permit this.