
“Thus some retire to nourish hopeless woe,
Some seeking happiness not found below,
Some to comply with humor, and a mind
To social scene by nature disinclined”

William Cowper, Retirement (1779)

I will not post much, or perhaps at all, for the next few weeks.  Under the circumstances, I thought friends and antagonists should know that I am not sulking, or cowed, or chastened.  Nor do I have reason to believe I will be prostrated in a hospital, sedated in a madhouse, incarcerated in a prison, or interred in a graveyard.  Just preoccupied with other matters IRL.

3 thoughts on “Hiatus

  1. I get that; do your best and let the rest go.
    I look forward to your return.

    Are you SURE about the sedation? I hear good things can come of it, at least that’s what the Pink Floyd song led me to believe.


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